konvensyen pbb mengenai perlindungan hak semua pekerja migran dan anggota keluarga mereka bahasa Inggris
- pbb: un; uno; united nations organization
- mengenai: as regards; bear upon to; bearing upon to; bore
- perlindungan: aegis; protection; shelter; shield; auspices;
- hak: incumbency; right; right for; rights; due;
- semua: all; all of the; all the; whole; everybody; full;
- pekerja: employee; laborer; labourer; toiler; worker;
- pekerja migran: migrant worker
- migran: migrant; migrator
- dan: and; or; n; following; both; then; along with;
- anggota: limb; limb of; limbs of; member; members of a
- anggota keluarga: family members; kinsfolk; members of a family
- keluarga: family; kin; kindred; relatives; the estate;
- mereka: invent; their; them; they; style; his own;
- konvensi internasional tentang perlindungan seluruh hak buruh migran dan para anggota keluarga mereka: international convention on the protection of the rights of all migrant workers and members of their families
- konvensyen paris untuk perlindungan hak perindustrian: paris convention for the protection of industrial property